October 30, 2007

Happy Halloween

While many people think of Fiori as the place to order beautiful florals, one of our favorite things to do is holiday decor. Here is a front porch that we decked out for Halloween.
We had a lot of fun stacking pumpkins, skulls and rats for a spooky visual treat in our client's urn.

In the other urn, we planted a sandblasted manzanita branch covered with crows in a vignette reminiscent of the Alfred Hitchcock film "The Birds." Dried plants, moss and lots of spiders complete the eerie theme.

October 29, 2007

Fiori Floral Design Blog is Launched!

Welcome to our blog. We are excited about having this new tool to share photos of our work, news, ideas and tips with you. If there are things you would like to read about, please feel free to email them to us at the link above.